As you cross the COVID Robocop, it will be checking if you are wearing a face mask or not as a protection measure against COVID-19.  In case, you haven’t put on your face mask, it will politely remind you to wear yours.

New COVID upgrade to Pepper Robots

Notably, the new feature designed to assist humans in their fight against COVID-19 is an upgrade of the existing Pepper robot. In case, you are now wandering who ‘Pepper’ is; it is a 47-inch high humanoid robot. Pepper robots havealready been placed at the entry gates ofvarious public spaces such as shops and exhibitions in several countries. Pepper features a camera to scan faces of people passing by and is designed to serve you a gentle reminder if it detects that the lower half of your face isn’t covered. It suggests you wear your mask properly. As soon as you put on your face mask, it also acknowledges the same by pronouncing, “Thank you for having put on your mask.” Did you know Tokyo actually features transparent public toilets? Read:TRANSPARENT PUBLIC TOILETS, THE LATEST TOKYO TECHNOVATION The innovative and friendly Pepper robot has been developed by the leading firm in robotics’ innovation,SoftBank Robotics. Reuters reported Jonathan Boiria, Sales Head (Europe) at the SoftBank Roboticssaying, “Shops have to assign people at the entrance, a lot of people, to ensure respect for the wearing of masks, and sometimes that is a stretch. A robot allows you to free up some people so they can focus on their normal tasks.” He further added that the idea behindPepper robot wasn’t to introduce a robot police but to simply provide a friendly reminder as a protection against COVID-19. He acknowledged the fact that it is just human to sometimes forget putting on our face mask. As India’s coronavirus cases overtake Brazil, know the 5 MUST HAVES IF YOU WANT TO FEEL EQUIPPED TO FIGHT COVID-19 Jonathan Boiria said, “We’re all human. We can all get it wrong or forget.Sometimes I take off my mask when I get off the bus and I forget to put it back on when I arrive at the office. The robot provides a reminder.”

A Droid That Reminds You To Put On Your Face Mask - 32A Droid That Reminds You To Put On Your Face Mask - 25A Droid That Reminds You To Put On Your Face Mask - 74A Droid That Reminds You To Put On Your Face Mask - 76