The developers of Mass Effect 3 also added that the Earth DLC will be launched in Europe the next day i.e., July 18. Gamers can not only have access to the game but also to the new weapons added to the game. The list of weapons includes a Piranha assault shotgun, an Acolyte pistol, and a Typhoon assault rifle. In order to make game more engaging the developers have also added a new difficulty mode to the game, known as the Platinum difficulty mode. BioWare has made some changes to the Earth DLC. It has added six new human N7 classes in the game. Each class has its own new capabilities and ways of combating. The classes have been classified as: Destroyer Soldier, Paladin Sentinel, Demolisher Engineer, Slayer Vanguard, Shadow Infiltrator, and Fury Adept. Following are the details of the classes: Destroyer: “The Destroyer’s T5-V Battlesuit gives these strong-but-slow soldiers mech-like protection. Driven by eezo-assisted actuators, these frontline troopers carry heavy weapons onto the battlefield.” Demolisher: “The Demolisher uses grenades to attack at range and to terrorize the battlefield. Demolishers can also create a supply pylon that stocks allies with an unending reserve of grenades and thermal reloads.” Paladin: “The Paladin carries a powerful omni-shield onto the battlefield to block enemy fire. The Paladin also uses the shield as a heavy-melee weapon that, when modified with incindiery or cryo upgrades, creates a devastating combination attack.” Shadow: “Shadow infiltrators use implants to dramatically improve agility, making them slippery combatants on the battlefield. Their monomolecular blades are a menace from cover and close range.” Slayer: “Slayers use implants to dramatically improve mobility. Their dizzying sword attacks can hit multiple opponents and the Slayer’s ability to slip fire makes them hard to pin down on the battlefield.” Fury: “Fury operatives use implants to fuel biotics and their incredible movement speed. These operatives wind an unpredictable path on the battlefield, moving in and out of combat before returning to unleash a sweeping biotic attack on their unsuspecting targets.”

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